Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kedara (gauri) Vratam - Deepavali

History of deepavali

KedhAra Gowri vradham familiarly known as Deepavali (Diwali) is celebrated throughout India in a grand manner. Without Caste creed, rich - poor differences people obeserve this festival. Infact very few people know that it is one of the important Saivite vratas. Brungi rishi is a great Shiva bhaktha. When he prays to Lord, he prays only to Lord Shiva and ignores Shakti. Angered by his act Shakti devi removed the energy from his body. He was not able to stand. He prayed to Lord Shiva. God gave him a stick to support his body. Shakti wanted to become part of Lord's body. She observed the kEdhAra vrata, one of Gods favorite vratas. Pleased by Her austerities God gave the left part of His body to shakti and became ardha Arishwara. The vrata is then called kedhAra gauri vrata since Gowri observed it.

When observed
This kedhara vratam is observed for twenty one days starting from shukla paxa aShTami (Eighth moonday in its growing phase) in the month of purattAchi (mid Sep to mid Oct). The final day (deepavali) also should be observed in great devotion.

How to observe this vratam
mantras to perform this puja (pUja vidhAnam)
Install Lord kedhArIshvara svAmi in a filled pot (kalasham). Make a roof (manTapa) above the kalasham. Make vrata threads - 21 fibers having 21 knots. The 16 courtesy worship has to be done for 21 days starting from the purattAchi shukla paxa dasami to aipachi amarapaxa chaturdashi (dIpAvaLi) or amAvAsya. On the culmination day (21st) in a clean decorated area devotionally install the kalasham over the grains spread in a banana leaf and offer various food and fruits to the Lord as offering and donate to others.

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